Covid-19 Vaccine Program
Pleasant Hill Drug is happy to have been chosen by the State of Missouri to offer the Covid-19 Vaccine.
Please read all of this information to answer the most common questions. If you will take the time to read this, hopefully your needs will be met. PLEASE DO NOT CALL OUR STORE. We simply cannot handle the number of calls that this will create and continue to serve our customers regular prescription needs. We know and have empathy that everyone really wants to be able to get the vaccine ASAP. We will do our best, but we can only get a limited supply of vaccine and have limited resources to administer the vaccine.
The amount of vaccine being allotted to our pharmacy is very small at this time. We have absolutely no control over the amount the government is willing to send to us. Our hope is that the amount increases over the next several months.
How do you get signed up to be in line for the vaccine? There are several things to keep in mind.
First, vaccinations will be by invitation and appointment only .
Second, here is how we are prioritizing the waiting list:
- The Federal & State Phase Requirements will be followed without exception.
- We will be vaccinating Pleasant Hill Drug Store customers – They will be prioritized based on their level of patronage. Customers will receive an invite from our staff when we have vaccine available for you.
- We will vaccinate non-customers in the approved phases based on their position on the waiting list after we have finished with our customers. If you would like to be placed on our waiting list, please click Here.
Additional Questions & Info
- Our pharmacy is receiving Moderna and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines at this time. Scan each QR code below for the FDA Patient Info Sheets.
- Moderna requires two shots – an initial dose plus a booster dose at about 28 days or soon after. It is not critical to receive your second dose right at the 28th day. The goal will be to administer the 2nd dose within 4-6 weeks.
- When your turn has arrived, we will text or email you with the link to begin the appointment process.
- No Cost To You: We will not charge patients for the vaccine. The Federal government is providing it at no charge. We do bill insurance, Medicare or Medicaid for an administration fee so that we can pay our employees and provide the service.
- When patients come into the store, we will maintain social distancing. Please don’t have others come with you that don’t have an appointment at that time. We just don’t have room and we won’t be able to slip someone in because they came with you.
- After getting your dose, you will be asked to wait for 15 minutes in the store for observation just as a safety precaution.
- Is it safe to get the vaccine if I already had Covid? Yes it is safe but it is recommended that you wait 3-4 weeks after your symptoms have cleared before getting your shot.
J &J is a single-shot vaccine deemed safe and effective by the US Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC.